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This was such a fun VN, I played it right after discovering your content (from Red-Handed Robin), and I've gotta say...

I wish Dan was a love interest, but besides that this game made me laugh so much! Its amazing! 

Thanks for playing! I'm glad everyone agrees that Dan is best boy xD


This was such a fun VN! :D I laughed so much while playing; this seriously reminds me of some of my own DnD games in the best ways possible. The characters were great, too! I'd love to see more of them some day if you decide to use them for another project, since I grew super fond of them while playing (especially if there's a Dan route;;; I really wanted to date the DM lol). 

All in all, this was a witty and enjoyable game which left me laughing and feeling lighter than I've felt all week. Thank you for your hard work! 


Whenever someone tells me Fetch Quest made them laugh, it makes me so happy! I'm glad it was able to brighten your day a bit.

Dan is by far the most popular character. I'd be doing him a great disservice if I didn't make him dateable eventually xD


This was so much fun to play! The character's were all so amazing, and I literally laughed out loud throughout most of it! The romances were also super cute, which was definitely awesome. I'm glad to hear there's going to be another game/a remake of this! I legit fell in love with the three guys and I'm super looking forward to a Dan route, especially after getting the neutral end. 

Keep up the awesome work anyway, you're doing a great job! Can't wait to play Red-Handed Robin too! 


I have to say, I’m itching to get back to writing these guys. They’re all so fun and adorkable. 

I’m glad you liked the game, and I hope you enjoy RHR as well!



I really enjoyed this game a lot! I also can't believe I only just found this game, I look up visual novels pretty regularly on I loved the writing, the narrator Dan is hilarious! I'm glad to hear that you're planning to make him his own route. Todd was my favorite route because I didn't expect him to act this way, but overall I enjoyed both!

I'm super impressed with the quality of the games you produce during NaNoRenOs, I love your writing, your artstyle and your stories! So I will definitely look forward to your futur games :) (I also played Part I of Red-Handed Robin and loved it) Good luck!


NaNoRenO has really helped me as a VN dev. I tend to obsess over imperfections and rewrite/redraw over and over unless I have a strict deadline. I might not have put any games at all if it weren't for NaNo.

Thanks so much for playing both this and Red-Handed Robin!


Adorable and super funny. I look forward to anything that comes next.

Thanks for playing!

Deleted 3 years ago

Thanks for playing, and I'm glad you liked Todd!  He isn't very honest about his thoughts and feelings, so I can understand why some players write him off early on.

I still plan to work on the larger game for these guys after my current projects are over later this year.


This game is very refreshing! I loved the comedic light-heartedness of it. It's an hour of gameplay well spent. I am also really looking forward to your update for Dan's route! 

I’m happy everyone wants to see more of Dan, haha! Thanks for playing.

(2 edits) (+1)

The moment I saw them breaking the fourth wall many times, I knew that they were actually roleplaying! It was such a delightful little game and I love your writing style! My favorite character would be Todd, because he's such a lovable dork XD I wish we can have a Dan route, though but him blushing at the neutral ending will do.


Todd thinks he’s some charming scoundrel, but you’re right, he is definitely 100% dork. I was sad I didn’t have the time to write Dan his own route! I do intend to make up for it later, though.

Thanks for playing! 


Oh this is absolutely adorable! I was slightly confused at first because the characters seemed to be constantly breaking the fourth wall. Still, I just went along with it and figured that it was probably for comedic purposes? Then, I finally got to Todd's ending (I took his route first) and realized that they were playing D&D all along. I had so much fun reading through the characters' dialogues, especially whenever Dan and Flora poked fun at Todd lol. 

Exhibit A:

I'm smitten with Connor, btw. He's so cute. Anyways, the only downside to the game is that it's too short :( I would have loved to see a longer story with, possibly, a route for Dan as well. Nevertheless, I enjoyed this hilarious and refreshing game! Thank you so much!!


Dan and Flora giving a Todd a hard time are some of my favorite parts! Someone’s gotta keep his ego in check.

It may take a while, but I’ve actually been writing a longer game with these guys, complete with a route for Dan! It’s been on hold while I work on other things, but I do intend to get back to it.


oh i see! i'm looking forward to the longer version! i hope you keep us updated <3


I registered here just to leave a comment.

I can't thank you enough for creating this game! It was such a delightful experience! The characthers, the story, the design and sound... everything is great! I really love it!

I can't wait for your other games!

ps. i thought i would love Connor at first and yes, he is cute but Todd! Damn, Todd surprised me... i like him.

also i with there was en ending with Dan. Dan is nice!!


Thank you for appreciating Todd! Connor seems to be a fan favorite, but I think Todd has his own charm that people are missing out on XD

As for Dan, it may take a while, but I’m working on a larger game with these guys, and Dan will have his own route too! I can’t wait to share it, Dan is quite the hopeless romantic.


Love Love Loved it! It was super cute and fun and reminded me of some of the dnd games I've been in lmao, Highly recommend and am excited to see more!


Thank you for playing! I’m slowly chipping away at a larger game with these guys, so there will be more eventually!


I was initially drawn to this for the artwork, but loved the cute and funny storyline. It's a short VN, but that only gives me a reason to replay it a few dozen times. Thanks for the many chuckles!

Thanks so much for playing!


I love Connor so much! ARTWORK is superb and the plot of the game reminds me a lo of Ragnarok Online. Great job!

Thank you so much!


LOL I just finished my first try, and I ended up the energy drink ending. It's quite hard...

There’s a guide available for download if you’re finding it too hard!

Did you use Renpy? I'm trying to make a game with it, but it's too hard for me...

I did use Renpy! If you haven’t already, you should check out the quick start guide.  I found the Renpy documentation to be very helpful when learning. 



Where did this music come from? Not complaining though, cus now I don't have to listen to 'lofi beats to study to' while playing.

I installed this (originally) a few months back but I just keep coming back to it (coming back to DAN!) cus I miss my DnD gang :,)

Dan, if you read this: I love you, mate, and you're, also, just like my DM :,)


It's thanks to Cyberleaf Studios and ObsydianX that you no longer have to play to lofi!

I'm glad you like the game (and Dan!) enough to revisit it :D


I've played it several times in a row because it's just so funny. I keep laughing even when I get the bad endings. I had a lot of fun playing and to me Dan is the star of the game. 

Thanks for playing! I’m happy you liked Dan.


Others have mentioned my thoughts mostly already, but I will still say this: the game was really adorable!
All the characters were funny and likable, I had a blast with this game. It definitely reminded me so much of my own tabletop roleplay sessions. So much OOC commenting, but everybody are having a fun time.

The one who caught my heart was definitely Connor. Gosh, he was such a huge nerd with his cliches! I love how different tabletop roleplayers were represented here.
Definitely waiting for your future games with excitement, good luck to them!

I’m glad you liked Connor! He tries to act cool, but he just can’t betray his true nerdy nature. Thank for playing!


ahh this game was the cutest! i really loved it and i'm glad i decided to try it out! :')

Thanks for giving it a shot!


This game was super cute and so much fun to play!


I’m glad you liked it, thanks for playing!


this game was so fun and cute!

Thanks for playing!


Hello, I just wanted to say that I absolutely love this game, and I have played it probably 20 plus times and counting! I love everything about this game, especially the characters and scenarios that result in your choices. Because of this, I have enjoyed every play through, even when I’ve experienced every ending.  I’m Looking forward to the next game and I will probably play it several times as well!

I’m happy you enjoyed the game so much! I’m working hard to get the next one done soon :)


This was a lot of enjoyment! Frankly, I didn't know such table games existed until I read your novel. Now I have so much regret I never played anythig like that with my friends. Ah, well, until recently I didn't have friends who would agree to play something like that XD 

Anyway, thank you very much for this wonderful experience. I enjoyed every bit of it and hope to see something of your work again. P.S.: I agree with  Beateas every word.

I’m glad you enjoyed the game! Tabletop games are a lot of fun with the right group of friends. 


Hello there! I discovered your game a while ago and it seemed interesting so I gave it a try. It's pretty well made and funny even though it has no sound. Speaking of no sound,I made a let's play trying to sing the character's dialogue and maaaaaybe, just maybe, you'd like to check it out. I am cringing that I actually sang all the way through(almost) and sometimes there are parts that get cut off but I hope you enjoy. Great job with the game and thank you for making it!

This was so cool! Thanks so much for playing and making this!

Incidentally, the game was just recently updated with sound. Sorry you had to make your own music!


I am glad you enjoyed hahaha.

Ohh,I didn't notice it got updated with sound. Should I play that version instead. I enjoyed making my own music so it's alright heheh

I would definitely recommend playing the version with sound if you play again in the future!

Okay,thank you!


I love D&D so this was SUCH a delight. Top notch art and writing! (Great character designs plus I laughed so much).  Also, I may borrow this campaign for my own tabletop adventures to see what happens because it was pretty dang fun :D 

11/10 definitely playing again. Can't wait to see what you do next!

I'm flattered you want to use my scenario for your own campaign! There was so much more I wanted to do with the 'bandit hideout that is run like a white collar office' idea than I had time for.

Thanks for playing!


I don't normally comment, but this was just so sweet and fun to play I just had to. I've never played D&D or anything similar to it, but it really makes me want to. Thank you for this!

I’m glad you liked the game, thank you for taking the time to comment!

(1 edit) (+1)

I loved playing this game so much. The art is really great, and the writing was genuinely very good indeed! The narrator is such a fun touch, I laughed out loud a few times, and I scored just the sweetest ending. 

Thanks for playing! I’m curious which ending you got. I have a feeling it was a certain grumpy knight...


I literally enjoyed this more than most of the paid visual novels I've played lmao. You seriously have a real talent for this. The writing was consistantly funny and the main cast were all super lovable. Not to mention the art! Just a really well done game, I'm looking forward to your next one!:)


Oh wow, thank you! I’m glad you liked my nerdy children.


Gosh, this game was such a delight to play! Even the bad ends were incredibly fun to find and read, and I spent a good chunk of my time finding them all out. The other endings were amazing too, and they all left me grinning by the end of it. The atmosphere was a perfect balance of comedy and immersive story-telling, and as someone who has only watched campaigns on Youtube, you gave me the experience of playing a tabletop myself! Thank you so much for that. :> I can't wait to see Dan have his own route in your next game. I'm definitely looking forward to more <3 Rooting for you!


The bad ends were a lot fun for me write, so I’m happy they’ve been so well received! I’m glad you’re looking forward to the next game. Here’s to hoping I can get the first chapter/episode done by my self-imposed deadline of August!

Thanks for playing!


I loved this soo much. Everyone was charming and the dialogue felt natural! But I'm sad that best boy Danny boy isn't a love interest.


Thanks for playing! In the game I’m working on now (which is a retelling/continuation of this one), Dan will have his own route ;)

(1 edit) (+1)

Yes please! Where can I follow the sequel? :D I just really want to know when it will come out! So sign me up!

If you follow me here on, you will be notified when the game comes out. I’m hoping to have the first chapter ready to play in August!  If you want to see WIPs and stuff, I post those on my Twitter.


Alrighty, thanks for letting me know! Already checking the Twitter out :3
And if you don't mind me being oh so nosy, how many chapters do you plan to fathom out for the sequel? :D 

No problem! I’m hoping to do 6 chapters, releasing a chapter every other month.


This game was so hilarious and heartfelt!! This really took me back to when I played D&D - while it took me a minute to get that it was a tabletop game, it really added to the atmosphere (especially considering the boys were brand new and yet totally gung ho, in  their own ways). 

Thank you so much for sharing this with us - it really was a treat of a game.

Ah, thank you for the kind comment! It makes me happy to hear that the game brings up nostalgic feelings for those who have played D&D/ other tabletops.


I played D&D a lot in high school and this was so funny and totally accurate. I made sure to get all the bad endings first, I loved it!

It's great to hear that as someone familiar with DnD, you still enjoyed the very casual/basic way it's presented in the story! Thanks for playing.


I absolutely adored this game! It was so cute and genuinely hilarious. The narrator's comments are absolute gold. I personally have never played a roleplaying/tabletop game but this makes me want to give it a try! 

I’m glad to hear that, thanks for playing!


This game was really cute! I don't really play roleplaying/D&D type games but it was still easy to understand all the jokes and references. The premise makes for some funny and interesting dialogue, the characters are all fun and play off each other really well, and the writing is sharp. I also love the character/background art.

I do wish there was some music but I just played some medieval video game music while playing so it's all good.

Thanks for playing! I specifically wrote the role play aspect of the story to be light on the DnD terminology/references so that people unfamiliar with tabletop gaming might still be able to enjoy it. I’m happy it seems to have worked! The group are basically playing Dan’s own homebrew game that is light on rules and heavy on RP. 

As for the lack of music, I simply ran out of time before the game jam deadline and couldn’t implement it. It’s something I’m looking forward to being able to do in my next game!


Honestly, it doesn't really matter if the game has music or not, this was still a very nice experience that had me smiling (and laughing) throghout the whole game. I was actually listening to my favorite J-pop playlist and still enjoyed this lol. Ah, you just got a new fan, I really want to see more of you after trying out Fetch Quest :)

Loved all the characters, their relationship with each other seems great (even bickering Connor and Todd), once I caught on that they were role playing the whole thing I just really felt that nice, warm feeling of spending a fun evening with your friends. Gosh, now I actually wish my friends would play this sort of thing haha. The art was great too!

So, yet again: congratulations on making a really enjoyable game! I wish you luck with any future projects :)


The feeling you described of spending an evening with friends is exactly the vibe I was trying to convey.

I’m glad you liked the game and are looking forward to more of my work! I actually hope to make a few more short games based around this premise/group of characters.


This was super cute and hilarious! I loved all of the characters and the premise of the "quest" lol. Overall i'm glad I played this

I’m happy to hear that, thanks for playing!


This was the cutest little adventure! I loved everything about it, and hope to see future projects from you guys some day! I especially loved Flora's freckles.

I’m glad you liked the game! I have plans to work on some more short games with these characters.


Just wanted to tell you I really enjoyed this game! It was so funny, I went through and got all the bad ends just because they were so weird and hilarious. I also really liked the bandit fliers and Todd's kazoo haha :]

The characters were great, I ended up liking all of them a lot. Dan's narration was definitely one of my favorite parts of the whole thing. I started out doing Connor's route first, he was really nice and I liked his design the best (though he's definitely a nerd haha). I wasn't as sure about Todd at first but after playing his route I liked him a lot! I'm actually not sure who I like better now, they're just really different people and are both great in their own way. I really liked Flora as a protagonist too, her design was really cute (I like her freckles) and I liked her character's backstory.

Great job with everything, you really got a lot done in one month!

Thank you for playing it! I’m happy to hear you liked Dan’s narration. He’s my favorite character, so I had a lot of fun writing him.

It’s also nice to hear you liked the bad ends! I know instant death bad ends are somewhat divisive. I tried to make them obvious to avoid, but they are some of my favorite parts of the game!


Hahahah this was awesome! 

I’m glad you like it!


No music doesn't take away my enjoyment! I'm not done playing yet, but this is GOLD! Love it. Love the setting, just.... beautiful. 

I was pretty conflicted about uploading without sound, so I’m glad to hear it’s not keeping you from enjoying it! 


Considering what it's about, I just imagines tunes and sound effects in my head haha. Besides, those are easy to program in for the future if you want. But I love the character art and the comedic storyline, this is my cup of tea~

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