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OMGG I have been waiting for the full game since the first demo and I gotta say, It didn't dissapoint at all! The MC, the characters, the art, the story are all amazing i love it all!! Jay is definitely my favorite, love him and his ending so much! Thank you HitOrMissy for creating and finishing this game<3

Also,  I really like the mysteries and the background stories in it. If you're thinking about making a prequel or anything to get deeper on the RHR world, I would defintely love to see that!!:)

I'm glad you liked it! 

I do have a story in mind that takes place directly after/deals with events that happened before RHR.  It's still in the planning stages, but I'm thinking of working on it as my next big project!


The full game was heckin amazing. I love the story and art in dis game, also love strong protag UwU. 10/10 would play again

Thanks so much for playing!


I really loved playing it, both the story and the characters were so fascinating I wish it never ended! Thank you for creating it, I had such a good time :)

I’m glad you liked it! Thanks for playing.


I had so much fun playing this game! Some major twist I did not see coming at all and I love the dynamic between Jay, Robin, and Wren! (OT3!) Thanks for a great game! 

Thanks for playing! I love a good OT3 haha


I really loved this! When I first played the demo for part 1, I thought for sure that I'd do super well at the game, but then I found out that keeping track of your lies was the easy part; the hard part is thinking about how to lie. It took me forever to figure out the trick near the end. XD


thanks so much for playing! It’s all about the little details ;)

(1 edit) (+1)

My heart is still not done with this game ;_;

I don't mind with open ending but still want to dig more story of RHR, there are too many mysteries I want to find out. Will there be prequel or any extra to reaveal the hidden story? like the Witch, the Maiden, the Magpie, the family of Jay (He is my fav, I do love Wren too, but Jay is just...too special for me)

By the way, I really appreciated that the ending is like the starting point of their adventure, they really deserve to be together UwU , your game is such a gem, it's really like an intro of some supernatural series and I WANT TO SEE MORE.

P.S. The extra arts are so..., thank you for adding them, but you know... you make it harder to say good bye to them ;w;

P.S.2 Robin is definitely the TOP here ( ͡° ͜    ʖ    ͡°)


I’m glad you’re interested in the remaining mysteries of RHR!

It has always been my intention that this game is a sort-of prequel/first half of something larger. I’m not sure when I’ll get to it, but the story does continue on in Gales!


I was going to post a long text but twilightprincess already said everything i wanted to in her comment soooooo

I love Red-Handed Robin

Fetch Quest was also amazing, but RHR has a special place in my heart

The mistery, the characters (i'm still dreaming about a Fletcher route, sorry not sorry haha), the setting, the routes, the story, the art, the protagonist... *chef's kiss* 

HitorMissy thank you so so so much for this game <3 <3

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you so much!

For Fletcher- As you can see, making a route for him is tricky for a number of reasons...

I’m not sure if a route for him will happen, but I am still thinking about it! 

I can say that I have some plans for a future story, and we may see him again... in one form or another.


I was kidding, please don't feel pessured :(( haha

I'm already excited for this future story tho!!!! 


Ah, I just finished the game and I'm so happy! I loved it so freaking much, it's unreal. Although, I felt bad for Jay when I did Wren's route, and then I felt bad for Wren when I did Jay's route because I love them both so much! 

I won't lie, I cried at the scene in part 3 with the elegant woman and her husband, and then to find out how it ended for them! More tears haha. I also fell in love with Fletcher though, and then everything went down and I was like "I've made a terrible mistake". 

One last thing I loved (out of the many other things I could say, I just don't want this comment to be too long lol) was how no matter who's route you're on, you don't separate at the end. Both Wren and Jay stay, and it made me so happy that they could all finally have each other, like some sort of unbreakable family (at least it's unbreakable in my mind, I won't have it any other way). 

To conclude this overly long comment, I absolutely loved the game and I just really want to thank you for making it. You have no idea how happy it's made me. Thank you again! Good luck for anything you make in the future!


thanks so much for this comment, stuff like this really makes my day :)

I could never separate those three. I just don’t have the heart!

If you’re worried about the elegant woman/bored man, you might be interested to know that, in my opinion, they got out safely with the help of a certain witch who can turn invisible.


Oh thank god! I was actually so sad about that, haha, thanks for letting me know!


Just finished playing and it was amazing! I came across this a couple of weeks ago and was eagerly waiting for you to finish before I played it, and you did not disappoint! Jay is definitely my favorite, but Wren's route was so good too. Thank you for brightening up my week!

I’m glad it was worth the wait!


just finished the game! and GOD do i love it!!!!!! i just love how the player have to think their way into achieving the good endings, the serotonin boost i get after choosing the right AND the boys.... the things that i'd do to protect them.. IM IN LOVE

anyway your works are always amazing, and this one is no exception! will be waiting for your next project! wishing you all the great things in life!

Ah, thank you so much!! I'm glad you liked it.


oh my god i was CLUTCHING at my pearls playing this was SO good. i got so invested in it that when the 'to be continued' screen popped up it took me like five seconds to process!11! i don't know how you do it but your characters are always SO fun and likable like i was genuinely having a hard time picking between wren and jay like omgggg ;;;;

im also like a HUGE sucker for the setting of this game...all the old timey aesthetics is super cool!! sorry for going off but like im OBSESSED with the characters and how three dimensional they all feel, im ESPECIALLY super into robin!! i love how she's such a genuinely flawed person who can be super selfish and harmful to the people around her, but she has her own reasons for doing so. i love seeing women protags that are more self-centered, it's just such a breath of fresh air. i also honestly thought i would like jay the most at first but i think im falling super hard for wren....the TENSION between him and robin was AMAZING...romantic dynamics that play a chase of cat and mouse is always so entertaining. also the part where wren gets all embarrassed when robin pretty much declared war on him in part ME all flustered. robin's really out here screaming "IM A TOP" from a rooftop and im here for it. 

weird tangent but im just SO EXCITED for this game....absolutely cant wait for part 3!!

also everyones said this to you and their mothers by now but ;; fletcher's too hot and i was QUAKING just seeing his sprite id love a route for him one day.........................

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wow, I was grinning the entire time I read this comment xD  Thank you so much! 

I’m happy you like all the characters! I wasn’t sure how well an arrogant, somewhat selfish MC was going to go over, so I’m glad so many people like her. 

I’m not 100% sure if/when Fletcher will get a full route, but all the love for him has definitely affected some of my ideas for the future...

(Also, Robin definitely tops.)

(1 edit) (+7)

Last time I drew the guys as birds so this was the next logical conclusion. Can't wait for part 3! <3


OMG AMY I’M DEAD. You drew them both so cute T-T and angry little Robin is just perfect.


This game is great!


I read this in a shonen protagonist’s voice.


For some reason, I can't not read Fletcher as Colonel Sanders.

it’s a curse 😔


Such an interesting story. I'm really looking forward to part 3!
I like all the characters especially Robin. She is the perfect protagonist ♥

The only thing that upset me is the lack of Fletcher's route XD


At this point, my thoughts on a Fletcher route are pretty much 'yeah, why not?', so maybe it's something I'll add after the game is finished!


OMG, if you really do it, it will be great („ಡωಡ„)




it was fun to see robin and wren flashback, will we get jay's flashback too? anyway great game :D will surely be waiting for part 3!!

there is a flashback of Jay on his route in part 2! And there are more to come for both of them in part 3.


oh right sorry, i only played wren's route and didnt realize that there are 2 route hehe my bad



Part 2 was *chef's kiss* 

Robin is such a good protagonist!!!!! Smart, witty, completely charming...The flashbacks were so good, baby Wren was adorable and teaching Jay how to dance made my heart go brrrrrr 

Also DAMN what a turn of events, i really wasn't expecting THAT but now that i think about it, the clues where everywhere

The backgrounds looked so nice btw 

...And Fletcher really did stole my heart... 

I. am. thristy. for. that. man. 


I’m glad you liked part 2! The flashbacks are some of my favorite parts :3 

There’s so much love for Fletcher... What have I done lol


I didn't realize that I'm so into this until I saw 'to be continued'!!! SO GOOD. I really like the story and the characters especially Robin! Looking forward for part 2 <3


Thanks for playing! I’m excited to share part 2!


This is so delightful! I enjoyed it very much! Really like the characters and story! 


I’m glad you liked it! Thanks for playing.


I loved this game! I'm so excited for part 2! <3


thanks for playing! :)


Man this was awesome! Thanks for letting me play as a badass yet relatable character like Robin!

Oh and must I add her being straightly charming for an hour. Those boys really need a lot to catch up. ;) 

Part 2, I'm patiently waiting for you. 


Both guys could definitely learn a thing or two from Robin in the charm department. Thanks for playing!


Playing as a genuinely devious but charming lady like Robin is such a rare treat. Read all of Part 1 and eagerly on the lookout for Part 2.


I appreciate it! I prefer protagonists who are their own person as opposed to blank slates who just go with the flow.


This game was so good! I love your writing style, the premise, the characters, everything. The MC is perhaps the best part, she is so well written and funny, and just a joy to play. Can't wait for part 2!


Thanks so much! I’m glad you like Robin, she’s very fun to write.


Oh my God, this game. I cannot choose. Jay and Wren are both PERFECT and they're both PERFECT FOR HER. I thiiiink I'm more inclined towards Jay because uhM, brooding over-protective jealous bodyguard????? Yes, please. But they're both amazing routes.

I cannot wait for the second part! btw, is the setting in a specific century/year? It feels rather old, maybe early 20th century?


Thanks for playing! I know jealous love interests can be divisive, but I have such a soft spot for them.

As for the setting- You’re basically right! It’s a fantasy world, but it’s (very) loosely set in the 1910-1920s.


I have only one question. How can I wait for second part now? This game is too awesome. I absolutely love it! (☆ω☆)


I’m excited to share the rest of the story, so hopefully you won’t have to wait too long! Thanks for playing!


Thank you for your wonderful work!


So overall I had a lot of fun with this game (it was kind of like playing an Ace Attorney game in reverse) but there didn't really seem to be a lot of romance in it.  Will there be more in Part 2?


I'm happy you thought the game was fun! There will certainly be more romance coming in part 2.

Also (forgot to ask this the first time)-is the whole garden thing a Motel Hell reference?

I’ve never seen that movie (though I might have to now, it looks interesting!), so it wasn’t intentional. Jay is actually being quite literal when he says that.


Absolutely loved part 1! Definitely have a thing for Jay, though I played through Wren's part too. Can't wait for part 2 - thanks for the awesome work!


I’m glad you liked it, thanks for playing!


Had lots of fun playing through this! Absolutely in love with Jay. he's just my type of guy lmao!

Can't wait for the second part *O*

Also woop

The top of her head is a mess, let's just pretend we don't see that. kbye. >.<


Ohmygosh, I've never gotten fanart before! She looks so pretty in your style T-T  Thank you!

Jay's personality type is my guilty pleasure, so I'm glad you liked him!


i didn't know this is going to be in two parts so my heart sunk when the words "to be continued" appeared aaaa it's so good tho! i've already fallen for each character as well as the art. i can't wait for part 2!


oh no, I’m so sorry! I’m glad you liked everyone and are looking forward to part 2, though!

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I'm caught and can't wait to see how the story unfolds!

The characters, plot and art are all great and create an enjoyable package.  Thank you!


ah, thank you! I’m excited to work on and share part 2!


Gahhh I loved it so much! So excited for the second part!

Thanks, I’m glad you liked it! 


Definitely got me hooked and wanting for more! 

Thank you! I’ll do my best to deliver!


Got to say it- I'm absolutely looking forward for part two! I loved seeing all of the characters and how they interact with each other. I can't wait to see more of the game!

(1 edit)

I'll be starting the writing of part 2 after a short break. Thanks for looking forward to it!


Holy crap that was good

Positively thrilling in fact

There isn't a single character I didn't warm to and that almost never happens

The dream scene had no visuals but it still made my heart flutter

Can't wait for the next part!

Ah, thank you for the compliments! As for the dream sequence, there will be visuals added later. I didn't have time for them during the jam T-T

(3 edits) (+2)

Once I started playing this, I couldn't stop until I reached one of the pseudo-endings. I still need to get a the other three, but I. AM. IN LOVE. The art is fantastic to look at, the dialogue is so eloquently written, so many places literally had me laughing out loud. I really love how serious Jay is! But oh my... I think I am falling in love with Wren, especially after that dream flashback, so I am assuming I got on his route. It tugged my heartstrings. I'm a sucker for childhood friend routes lol. Here I thought it'd be different 'cause yo, Jay is a fantastic character, but then BAM! Wren's dream lol. Let's see what happens when I get the other 3 ends, but I thoroughly enjoyed Part 1 so far and looking forward to the second!


Thank you for appreciating Wren! I'm a little worried he'll be overshadowed by Jay in this part because of the nature of his interactions with Robin. He's got his good points, too!


Honestly you did well in crafting 2 really excellent guys!! Which I think is great, since it'll encourage players to really want all those endings, and not just for completion, but because it's gonna be amazing~ Jay is fun because of his unrest and banter with Robin, buuut, Wren has this special charm and the little "game" between him and Robin keeps me in suspense, like what will happen if Robin falters? Wren is quite smart, and has a high chance of winning against Robin methinks. It's all so well crafted for a simple story that takes place on a train!


I'm pretty fond of the bad ends (not to mention they give a little extra background on the plot and characters), so I hope you're right and people do seek them out!

As for Wren, well... a glimpse of how he would feel if Robin lost can be seen in his bad end.

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Definitely gonna achieve all those ends later today! Your project was the one I looked most forward to this NaNo ^^


I appreciate it! I'll be playing some of the other entries over the next few days, so I'll let you know what I think of yours as well!


oh my lord, missy... im in love with jay... sobs 


what can I say? I love snarky meganes :)


Loved Fetch Quest and really looking forward to this one!

Thank you! I hope you like this one as well!

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